This video is for all those students who want to get a Job in Cyber Security feild but don't know from where to start. So tried to explain the whole concept in a simple manner. If you don't know what to study and what are the things required to learn . You are at the right destination. Cyber Security is a booming career in India and is having lot of Opportunities. So here at davidertutorials you will get all the relevant stuff related to Cyber Security and IT will give you detailed video for burp setup , But to hunt bugs on Android , Below are some important steps in order to unpin Apps for testing . To do so you need to install below apps
1. Dowload genymotion - This is Your Andoid Emulater
2. Download super su v2.46 or latest
3. Download xposed installer apk
4. download xposed sdk
5. Download ssl unpinning
first root your android fone
than download xposed apk in that fone
than install xposed sdk (Note sdk version must be same as your fone apk version)
than ssl unpinning
After all steps , Restart android phone.
After Restarting the phone , Open SSL pinning App, Select the app you want to test and click on upin.
After that capture the requests on the Burp and have fun.
Redirect means allowing a website to forward the request for the resources to another URL/endpoint. Let’s assume that you make a request to and can redirect you to another website(, so you’ll end up at even though the original request was made for This is called “redirection”. There are different types of redirects in HTTP, check em out below.
Now Lets understand this vulnerability:
Open redirect is basically what the name says, Openly allow Redirects to any website.
URL redirection vulnerabilities found when user redirect to some other url , mainly the attacker url in unsafe way.
An attacker can construct a URL within the application that causes a redirection to an external domain. This behavior is well known for doing phishing attacks against users of the application.
Redirection Status Code - 3xx
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
308 Permanent Redirect
The redirection can happen on the server-side or the client side.
Server-Side: Request to redirect is sent to the server, then the server notifies the browser to redirect to the url specified via the response.
Client-Side: Browser is notified to redirect to the url specified directly without the intervention of the server.
Why is this an issue?
Think about it for a moment, what if, a TRUSTED website allows you to redirect to any other website. Then a malicious user can simply redirect to, and people fall for it all the time believing that it’s trusted, but infact, it’s not. So allowing redirects to any website without a stop in the middle or without a proper notification for the user is Bad.
Let’s say there’s a “well known” website - And let’s assume that there’s a link like
This link is to a sigup page, once you signup, you get redirected to which is specified in the HTTP GET Parameter redirectUrl.
What happens if we change the to
By visiting this url, if we get redirected to after the signup, this means we have an open redirect vulnerablility. This is a classic open redirect vulnerability.
Why does this happen?
This happens due to insufficient redirection checks in the back-end, which means the server is not properly checking if the redirect URL is in their whitelist or not.
Here are some examples of vulnerable code
PHP (Server-Side)
Here, the php code blindly grabs the url from redirect_url parameter and redirects to that url using the Location HTTP header.
Java (Server-Side)
Here, a jsp page takes the url from the parameter u and blindly redirects it to the specified url.
Javascript (Client-Side)
We can assign the URL string to the location.href of window’s object. This will cause a redirect. If there are no checks inplace, then it’s a bug.
HTML (Client-Side)
HTML Meta tags can refresh the site with the given url as it’s content and also you can specify the refresh delay time.
How to find them?
Visit every endpoint of the target to find these “redirect” parameters.
View your proxy history, you might find something. Make sure to use filters.
Bruteforcing helps too.
You might uncover many endpoints by reading javascript code.
Google is your friend, example query: inurl:redirectUrl=http
Understand and analyze where the redirection is needed in the target application like redirecting to dashboard after login or something like that.
Some tricks to find this bugs
Test for basic modification of the url like
Try with double forward slashes
Try In this case the interpretation will be like, the is the username and will be the domain.
Test for javascript Protocol javascript:confirm(1).
Try if there’s an image resource being loaded.
Try IP address instead of the domain name.
You can go further in terms of representing the IP in decimal, hex or octal.
You can also try to bypass weak regex implementations.
Chinese seperator 。 as the dot - https://attacker%E3%80%82com.
Test for String reverser unicode(“\u202e”)
No slashes
Back slashes http:/\/\ or https:/\
Different domain resulting in redirection of which is not the same as
Try some unicode(including emojis) madness t𝐀 or 𝐀‘𝐀’ is “\uD835\uDC00”).
Assume that the target is It has a password recovery page at You enter the email and you click on Forgot Password button, and it’ll send you an email with a password reset link, and this link might look like
If we tamper with the redirect parameter and change it to
This redirects the user to an evil login page instead if the original one and the user can be phished.
Only use redirects if you really want em.
If you want to use them, make sure you properly check the whitelisted domains and allow the matched ones.